Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I'm in a "random" kind of mood today. I SHOULD be in a "cleaning" mood, but I'm not (nor am I ever!lol). My MIL is coming on Friday! I'm excited, we haven't seen her since November. Hence the "should be in a cleaning mood". I hate cleaning like I mean I REALLY REALLY hate it! I don't mind like organizing stuff, but when it comes to picking up and deep cleaning crap...UGHHHHH I hate it!! I would SOO much rather be on the really I'm serious. LOL.

Last night Kylie had a Valentines program. It was SO cute! SHE seemed like she could have cared less (would've rather gone to the park with our neighbor), but we enjoyed I cannot get over how many Kinders there are at her new school! 10 Classes!! That's a serious amount of kiddos and parents - needless to say it was a bit of a madhouse last night.
Kylie mentioned to me when she got home yesterday that she had a bad day UGH! She said kids were being mean...I a parent you just want to slap some of these kids upside the head (oops did I say that out loud?). She wouldn't get into details (again more anxious to go play her neighbor friend) but she seemed fine. She really seems to be able to brush things off right least that's the impression I get.
Good for her! I think that's a GREAT trait to have (one that I lack, I tend to get and stay allll bitter).

Anyways....other than trying to get my house clean for our visitor - I've just been trying to get involved with our church, and Kylie's class. I am helping her class on Friday for their Valentines party (making cupcakes, setting up, etc). She also wants me to come have lunch with her and read to her class tomorrow. So I'll probably do that. I am volunteering at the church nursery again this evening and we are getting our photo taken for the church directory. I am also going to join their Mother's Guild and hopefully start being a teacher's aide for one of their classes on Sundays. I'm also attending a seminar next week for a couple hours and might go on an afternoon retreat at the end of the month. Plus I still have one more class left that I've been taking for the past 5 weeks. PHEW! Now that's how you keep busy!!

I really really like it here, and actually quite thankful that we've had an opportunity for a new adventure like this! Not too mention Jarett already got promoted!!! This is absolutely positively where we are meant to be...I just know it.

Until next time ~


  1. Trying to get motivated stinks! I am here at work all by myself and I should be working but as you can see I am reading/commenting on blogs. What an awesome employee I am!!

  2. Thats awesome how much you like it there! Daniel & I have talked about moving out of state one of these days for something different too. It looks like things are really working out for you all thats awesome!

  3. Jen, I'm sorry about Kylie having troubles at school but I'm glad she lets it roll off.
    You seem to be volunteering a lot at school and I'm sure that really helps!

    You sounds so busy but enjoying it. I'm SO glad for you!
    LOVE YA!

  4. I love how involved you are!! So great & i bet Kylie LOVES it!

  5. im glad you have stuff out there to keep you busy!
