Monday, February 23, 2009


Just another super exciting Monday! HAHA! We had a pretty low key weekend. Yesterday we went to church and then took the kids to McDonald's. We did our usual Wal-mart get your stuff for the week trip.
Getting Kylie to go to bed after having a week vacation was quite a task. She was NOT happy..LOL. And we even let her stay up past 10! Of COURSE it was nearly impossible getting her up this morning - I totally had to be that mean annoying mom that I swore I'd never be...turning on her lights, pulling off the covers, and threats. Oh So Fun! Needless to say - she got up. I think it was the "your gonna be grounded from playing outside with your friend for the rest of the week if you don't get up NOW!" that did the trick. Gotta love being a parent Mad Smileys Pictures, Images and Photos LOL!!
At least tonight she should have NO problems going to bed at 7 - yep her bedtime now is 7! She doesn't have to be asleep by 7 - but she needs to be in bed in her jammy's by then and she can watch some t.v. She usually passes out pretty quick.
Soooo, not much else. Just sittin' here at my computer when I should be doing housework. Why can't housework be as fun as being on the computer??? My house would be SPOTLESS!! HAHA!
Well have a good week everyone!
Oh P.S. It's FREEZING here again - it was 25 when I took Kylie to school this morning and it was COLD!! BRRRRRRRRRRR

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