Friday, April 3, 2009

A Special Thursday

I'd like to share with you all what we did on Thursday (yesterday)!
The kids and I went to a nursing home. It is something that our church does 3-4 times a year around various holidays!
It was such a great experience!
The ONE word that comes to mind when I think about it is: Special.
Just very very special.
I just cannot believe how much they appreciate the company and all the kids! Wow - they just ADORE the kids!

The home also had an "egg hunt" for all the kiddos which was a blast!!





Now for my favorite part of the story.....

Kylie said to me when we pulled up to the home and parked:
"Mommy I have a suprise"

Me: "You DO?"

Her: "yep" pulling something out of her backpack

It was approx 20 pictures that her class from school had drawn for all the senior citizens!!!!!!!
She told her teacher where we were going after school and asked if everyone could draw a picture for them!! I was SO proud of her in that moment! Especially if you all know Kylie...she is quite shy and for her to request something like that, well, it's a pretty big deal.
I explained to her the day before why we were going there...and she must have just really taken it to heart!
And can I just tell you how cute it was seeing her pass them all out!




This nursing home takes care of many folks with Alzeimers. There was one lady in particular who I remember vividly. She kept telling me over and over how one of the kids gave HER a picture.
She couldn't remember it was my daughter who was the one that gave it to her, she just knew that she GOT one and was SO thankful for it.
She was so excited to share with me that she was gonna hang it in her room and that it was very special to her!
She was so happy with getting just a simple picture - just so so happy.
I couldn't help but tear up.

What a neat and SPECIAL day.


  1. That is awesome! How sweet of Kylie!

  2. What a special day!
    Made me teary eyed too!
    Kylie has such a BIG heart(like her mama)!.
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful experience!

  3. so beautiful what she did. I think visiting a home like that would be nice for anyone to do!

  4. Way to go, Ky-Ky! You are the BEST! You are
    so thoughtful "baby girl" - I love you so
    And way to go, Jen! For taking the time out
    to do something as SPECIAL as that was!
    You probably can't even imagine how happy that
    made them..
    And to you "darlin pie" for participating and
    just being "you"! (and doing so well in the
    egg hunt)
    Love you guys!

  5. That is such a great story Jen~ You must be such a proud mamma☺ You have such beautiful children inside and out♥
